Contaction is a spin-off of DFKI, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence, the leading German research institute in the field of innovative software technology.
Founder Anthony Jameson was a Principal Researcher at DFKI for 16 years, collaborating there for 5 years with full-stack software engineer Adrian Spirescu.
Two of DFKI's buildings in Saarbrücken, Germany

A spin-off of Germany's leading AI research center ...

... making (AI-generated) content easily available to collaborating groups


Anthony Jameson
Founder & CEO
Adrian Spirescu
Full-Stack Software Engineer
Karin Vogel
General Manager
Sarah Spirescu
Legal Adviser

Most relevant contributions of the founder

Decades before everyone was talking about “Human-Centered AI” and using AI-based apps every day, Anthony Jameson was conducting and publishing in-depth research on how to design interactions between human and artificial intelligence — against a background of education in philosophy (Harvard) and psychology (Universities of Hamburg and Amsterdam) and while working in internationally renowned AI projects.

The following contributions are especially relevant to Contaction's work:

1. Fundamental early contribution to the pragmatics of natural language dialog systems
2. Influential models of usability issues raised by interaction with AI
3. Widely adopted model of the human-related challenges in recommendation to groups
4. Founding in 2009 (with John Riedl) of the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems (TiiS)
5. Comprehensive synthesis for the HCI field of scientific knowledge about human choice and choice support
6. Introduction of an interaction paradigm for supporting human trial and error in large search spaces
7. Unique integration of research on individual and group decision making and recommender systems